About Me

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fuckoff, florida, United States
I've got a short attention span, shorter fuse and zero patience for most mundane bullshit. I've been called Rooster for years, don't care who started it but I like it. It's descriptive, concise and fitting. I've only got two real goals in life, pissing people off and chasing tail. I work more than I should, I paid way too much for my education and I don't buy half the bullshit they tried to sell me. I'm not politically correct, I despise affirmative action and refuse to be treated as a second class citizen in the country that I choose to defend. I am always armed, I always have cash and I never, repeat, never back out of a fight. I enjoy pushing people's buttons and hate people that can't take a good joke. If I wanted to hear some bitch boy cry about how his daddy never loved him, I'd shove a tampon in my ass and become a fucking shrink. I will only post things on here that relate to my likes, desires or pleasures. Expect big guns, bug tits, fast cars and no apologies.

24 June 2011

the only plastic pistol worth a shit

I've got only one thing to say about polymer guns, they fucking suck!  that being said, if i was going to carry a gun that wasn't solid fucking steel I'd grab a KEL TEC.  i ain't being paid or giving a free plug.  i shot one of their .380s today that a buddy loaned me and i was pleasantly surprised  for a gun that small i felt pretty good.  not very snappy, not real flimsy feeling but still felt like a toy.  if you're carrying all day everyday and you never have to pull it this wouldn't bee a bad piece.  if you're like me and tend to need some persuading to get out of a bad spot once in a while a little heavier, less jumpy piece is definitely preferable.  just because its called a concealed carry permit doesn't mean that I'm trying to hide shit.  I'm legal, I'm responsible and someone has to protect and serve. the fucking cops can't be bothered to put down their donuts long enough to pay attention...

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