About Me

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fuckoff, florida, United States
I've got a short attention span, shorter fuse and zero patience for most mundane bullshit. I've been called Rooster for years, don't care who started it but I like it. It's descriptive, concise and fitting. I've only got two real goals in life, pissing people off and chasing tail. I work more than I should, I paid way too much for my education and I don't buy half the bullshit they tried to sell me. I'm not politically correct, I despise affirmative action and refuse to be treated as a second class citizen in the country that I choose to defend. I am always armed, I always have cash and I never, repeat, never back out of a fight. I enjoy pushing people's buttons and hate people that can't take a good joke. If I wanted to hear some bitch boy cry about how his daddy never loved him, I'd shove a tampon in my ass and become a fucking shrink. I will only post things on here that relate to my likes, desires or pleasures. Expect big guns, bug tits, fast cars and no apologies.

10 October 2011


i have always believed that our political system worked, flaws and all.  now I'm not so sure.  over a year before the election we have career politicians taking vacation, on the tax payers' dime, to campaign for a more powerful position.  during which campaign, most will use public funds (read: YOUR TAXES) to travel all over the country, and a few will even go to a foreign country to campaign to ex-patriots who will vote but not be counted.  the same ex-pats who had to go over seas to find a job that could support their family back here. 

we need to go back to the way it was 200 years ago.  congress was a part time job.  they had to survive long enough to travel, on their own time and money, to go to Washington for a few weeks at a time, 4 times a year.  "career politician" is a term that the founding fathers would have had a stroke over.

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